View Your Account

Rockwood Electric Utility offers customers the convenience of viewing their statements and monthly usage reports online.

Pay Your Bill Online

Rockwood Electric Utility offers customers the convenience of paying their bill online or by telephone Interactive Voice Response.

Rockwood Electric Utility Payment Options


REU offers several convenient ways to pay your bill.

By Mail
You will find a return envelope included in your monthly bill.

In Person
Our main office is located at 341 W. Rockwood Street in Rockwood and at 525 N. Kentucky St. in Kingston.  We are open from 8:30AM until 4:30PM, Monday through Friday except for specific holidays.  We accept checks, cash or money orders.

Bank Draft
For our customers who prefer not to mail or bring in their payments, we offer a personal bank draft program.  We need to have you come in the office the first time and sign an authorization form for electronic payment (EFT Form) and leave a voided check.  Then, each month, your bill will be deducted from your checking account on the day that it is due.

Budget Billing Plan
With “Budget Billing” customers can pay the same amount for 11 months. In the 12 month the budget billing settles up.  If the customer has a credit it is applied to the account.  If the customer has a debit it is paid in full on the bill. Differences are showed every month on the statement.  If you are interested call the office at 865-354-0514 or complete the online application (Budget Billing Plan).  Any one who is already on budget billing will stay on it until they request to be removed from it. All customers should complete the Budget Billing Plan Aplication and return to REU between the 1st of May and no later than the 15th of June.

After Hours
We offer an after-hours payment drop box (i.e., night deposit box) on the exterior of our building at both offices.  This drop-box is always available to use 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

On-line & Interactive Voice Response (IVR) Payments
REU offers 24 hour online bill payment using Visa or MasterCard.  This is an easy and convenient way to pay your utility bill.  If you prefer to make your credit card payment by phone, please call 866-549-4394

Rockwood Electric Utility Privacy & Refund Policy
Payment information will be kept confidential and will not be used for any purpose other than transactions.  We generally do not issue refunds for payments.  However, if you have a question about your payment, and/or you wish to inquire about a potential refund, please call our office at 865-354-0514

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