The Electric Power Board of Rockwood has recently partnered with TVA to launch Home Uplift


The Electric Power Board of Rockwood (i.e., Rockwood Electric Utility) has recently partnered with TVA to launch Home Uplift, a program designed to provide weatherization services that will improve the energy efficiency, indoor air quality, and comfort of homes for income-qualified manufactured housing residents in our electric service area.

Home Uplift participants will receive energy improvements at no cost to them. Possible upgrades could include a high-efficiency heating and air conditioning unit, duct repair/replacement, insulation, a heat pump water heater, high-efficiency lighting, and more.

The average participant typically sees a reduction of up to 25 percent on their annual power bill.

Eligibility criteria are fair and equitable. To qualify, participants must complete a Home Uplift Manufactured Home Program Customer Application and supply all supporting documents. In addition, the residence must be deemed safe for occupancy.

Eligible manufactured homes must be on a permanent foundation, built after 1976, owner occupied and meet income eligibility. The home must not have received any upgrades from a similar TVA funded project/program withing the past 20 years. An energy evaluation must be performed.

Because funding is very limited, Rockwood Electric Utility and TVA have secured funding for four (4) qualified manufactured homes as part of this inaugural campaign and launch of the Home Uplift Program. We hope to be able to expand the program in the future.

To provide all eligible homeowners the opportunity to apply, we will accept applications until 2 p.m. on January 29th, 2020. Rockwood Electric Utility will use an independent third party to randomly select four (4) applications to be reviewed for further program qualification.

Additional applications may be drawn to serve as alternates in such case one or more of the primary applications are deemed ineligible for the program. TVA’s third-party program administrator will review the selected applications to confirm eligibility for the program.

Once approved, a certified TVA Energy Advisor will conduct an evaluation of the applicant’s home to confirm final eligibility. A contractor from TVA’s Quality Contractor Network will perform the approved home upgrades at each participating home, which will be inspected by a TVA Energy Advisor.

Interested customers may download and print a copy of the “Home Uplift Program Customer Application” from our website at Completed applications must be returned to Rockwood Electric Utility’s main office located at 341 W. Rockwood Street; Rockwood, TN 37854 by 2 p.m. on January 29th, 2020. For more information about the program, please contact Mr. Mike Miller at (865) 717-5400.


Download Application



Rockwood Electric Utility (REU) is a not-for-profit, municipally owned utility dedicated to providing Electric service to residential, commercial, industrial, and public facilities. REU traces its beginnings to 1939 when the City of Rockwood purchased electric systems in Rockwood and Kingston from the Tennessee Electric Power Company (TEPCO) and agreed to serve those cities and the surrounding communities consisting of portions of Roane, Cumberland, and Morgan counties. Operation and control of the power system is vested in the Electric Power Board as outlined in the City Charter for Rockwood.


The Tennessee Valley Authority is a corporate agency of the United States that provides electricity for business customers and local power distributors serving nearly 10 million people in parts of seven southeastern states. TVA receives no taxpayer funding, deriving virtually all of its revenues from sales of electricity. In addition to operating and investing its revenues in its electric system, TVA provides flood control, navigation and land management for the Tennessee River system and assists local power companies and state and local governments with economic development and job creation.