Information, Statistics, Staff & Electric Power Board Members

Rockwood Electric Utility (REU) is a not-for-profit, municipally owned utility dedicated to providing Electric service to residential, commercial, industrial, and public facilities.  REU traces its beginnings to 1939 when the City of Rockwood purchased electric systems in Rockwood and Kingston from the Tennessee Electric Power Company (TEPCO) and agreed to serve those cities and the surrounding communities consisting of portions of Roane, Cumberland, and Morgan counties.

Operation and control of the power system is vested in the Electric Power Board as outlined in the City Charter for Rockwood.


  • Over 14,700 electric customers; over 11,600 residential
  • Revenue from 2019 power sales in excess of $34 million
  • All power is purchased from TVA; 5 year rolling contract – TVA Long-Term Partner
  • Forty-three (43) full-time employees


Power System

  • Four (4) substations; delivery voltages of 161 kV
  • 12.47/7.2 kV, 3-phase system distribution system
  • Over 700 miles of single- and three-phase primary

General Manager

Kendall Bear, P.E.

Assistant Manager

Marsha O’Keefe

REU Administration Team


  • Rochelle Inman, Executive Assistant
  • Larry Brackett, Manager of Construction & Maintenance
  • Tabatha Poland, Manager of Customer Services
  • Jason Jolly, Director of Operations & Safety
  • Wyatt Wilson, Network Administrator
  • Michele Adcock, Manager of Accounting
  • Dwan Garrett, Human Resources

Electric Power Board of Rockwood

-Wade McCullough


-Mike Lewis


-Mike Reed


-Mike Nichols


-Tony Brown


The Electric Power Board of Rockwood meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 4:30 p.m. Board meetings are held at Rockwood Electric Utility (Main Office) at 341 W. Rockwood Street.  

“The Electric Power Board of Rockwood (i.e., REU) shall reserve a period of time at each of its meetings for public comment.  During that time, the public will have an opportunity to comment on matters that are germane to the items on the agenda for the meeting.  The Board Chairman has the discretion to 1) limit the number of people allowed to speak during the public comment period; 2) limit the amount of time, usually two (2) minutes, that each person may speak; and 3) allow comments from the public on matters that are not on the agenda.  Each person will be required to state their name and address when recognized by the Board Chairman.  The public comment period is for purposes of the public sharing their thoughts with the Board and is not for Board response.